The League of American Workers advocates with facts and ferocity on behalf of largely disregarded American workers. For decades, workers have endured a continual decline in Real Wages and a coinciding reduction in political and policy influence.
LAW steps into this breach to shape popular opinion and public policy back toward an agenda that rewards and sustains laborers in America.
Labor unions claim to represent workers, but the corrupt leadership of these fading organizations has been totally captured by The Democrat Party and a cringe radical agenda.
On the management side, powerful corporate cronies find willing supplicants pushing their agenda in media and in the halls of political power. But what about workers? Who is the advocate for the salt-of-the-earth citizens who make our society function, especially the blue-collar workers who work with their hands as well as with their minds? The answer is the League of American Workers.
LAW uses incisive and original research and communicates it powerfully to change the conversation and tilt the paradigm back toward workers. Founder and President Steve Cortes leads a young and growing movement of pro-worker patriotic populism.